Give the gift of care this Christmas

Exhausted from holiday preparations?
Fed up and overwhelmed with the materialism of the holiday season?
Why not give something that doesn't require wrapping paper or bows or crowded shopping centers?
Give the gift of care and resiliency support to a cross-cultural worker who desperately needs restoration and a helping hand.
We work with cross-cultural workers, international pastors, and humanitarian aid workers... all who are out there on the front lines doing tough work in really hard places. We provide coaching, peer counseling, and encouragement to weary workers when they find themselves in the rough patches and they need that important mental health support. To learn more about La Posada Training and Care, go to our website at
You can help!
$40 = one night stay + care services in the La Posada care apartment (Goal: to cover at least 24 nights for needy workers=$960)
$50 = one hour of on-line coaching support for an overseas ministry worker (Goal: to cover 400 hours of online coaching support=$20,000)
$280 = offset costs for one week of care and rest for a cross-cultural worker (Goal: to raise funds for at least 12 weeks of care for workers=$3360)
$500 = 3-day debrief retreat (stay in La Posada, meals, debrief services) (Goal: to scholarship at least 6 full debrief retreats to workers in need=$3000)
You can make a difference in the resilience and longevity of a cross-cultural worker or aid worker in the field! Give them the gift of mental health support and time to be cared for and restored and ready to continue their important work.
Click to give any amount and help us meet the needs of weary workers who need a helping hand. If you want to donate as a gift in honor of a friend or family member, just let us know and we will send you a downloadable gift card to share for Christmas!
It's easy! Click the button below to go to the giving page for TMS Global and fill in the Give to a Worker box with your amount and our information (see the example below). You will be directed to a sight to finalize your donation so your gift will go directly to our care ministry account. It's that simple!
Fed up and overwhelmed with the materialism of the holiday season?
Why not give something that doesn't require wrapping paper or bows or crowded shopping centers?
Give the gift of care and resiliency support to a cross-cultural worker who desperately needs restoration and a helping hand.
We work with cross-cultural workers, international pastors, and humanitarian aid workers... all who are out there on the front lines doing tough work in really hard places. We provide coaching, peer counseling, and encouragement to weary workers when they find themselves in the rough patches and they need that important mental health support. To learn more about La Posada Training and Care, go to our website at
You can help!
$40 = one night stay + care services in the La Posada care apartment (Goal: to cover at least 24 nights for needy workers=$960)
$50 = one hour of on-line coaching support for an overseas ministry worker (Goal: to cover 400 hours of online coaching support=$20,000)
$280 = offset costs for one week of care and rest for a cross-cultural worker (Goal: to raise funds for at least 12 weeks of care for workers=$3360)
$500 = 3-day debrief retreat (stay in La Posada, meals, debrief services) (Goal: to scholarship at least 6 full debrief retreats to workers in need=$3000)
You can make a difference in the resilience and longevity of a cross-cultural worker or aid worker in the field! Give them the gift of mental health support and time to be cared for and restored and ready to continue their important work.
Click to give any amount and help us meet the needs of weary workers who need a helping hand. If you want to donate as a gift in honor of a friend or family member, just let us know and we will send you a downloadable gift card to share for Christmas!
It's easy! Click the button below to go to the giving page for TMS Global and fill in the Give to a Worker box with your amount and our information (see the example below). You will be directed to a sight to finalize your donation so your gift will go directly to our care ministry account. It's that simple!