Every culture has their stories, and Spain is no different.
We have now arrived in a town that is just down the road from Castrillo De Matajudios. Now, for those of you who do not speak Spanish, that name means Camp of Kill the Jews. That's not very becoming, nor does it speak well for attracting tourists. The name dates back to the early 1400s when the Castillians were working hard to eradicate the Iberian Peninsula of all Moors and Jews. Just last year, in May of 2014, the townspeople decided that they should maybe change the name. However, all road signs and maps still say Matajudios. It was a somber reminder as we passed the sign for this town today. ALL religions have committed atrocities in their search for what is right and in trying to decide what it means to be a loyal follower. Let's just leave it at that, please, and not start a war of comments and opinions. And say a little prayer that the radical side in all of us is covered over and that Love and Peace wins in the end. On to the next craziness of the day... The fiesta of Colacho is happening as we speak in the town we passed through today. The devil (a man dressed up) comes and jumps over all the infants who were born during this year. The infants are laid on cushions in the street. If the devil jumps over your baby, the baby is cleansed of original sin. Y'all, I can't make this stuff up! You have to go read about it. The Catholic church has urged the town to separate from this tradition and accept the idea of baptism instead, but the fiesta goes on. So, there you go. That's your little piece of cultural learning for today. Don't judge culture, but do try to learn from it and try to understand a small piece of the underpinnings of society. Off to bed for me...another day on The Camino tomorrow with lots more to learn.
6/6/2015 11:51:57 am
Culture is interesting. Lots of work to do.
Tommy Myrick
6/7/2015 12:12:16 am
I subscribe to six different devotionals and read each in the morning. Your posts are often the most inspirational and challengening. Thanks for your faitfulness. Remember, God loves you, we love you, and there's nothing you can do about it. Comments are closed.